
Sunday 16 July 2017

A legacy

We step along the path you laid -
each small stone and pebble carefully
and matched,
fixed in a pattern of your design.

We sit beneath the veranda roof,
sheltering from the sun -
beam bound
and secured by your arm.

We sit here, on the neatly placed
tiles - pushed and
into position
by your patient hand.

We look about at the white washed
walls of the goat shed -
new life
breathed into a ruin by you.

Now, we sit; in all these legacies
we remember your
Nature's hymns
surround us in celebration.

Rubite Haiku

In between mountains,
Eucalyptus tree stands tall
sssssshing silver leaves.

Slow motion - it waves.
Swallows swoop playfully here,
skimming the surface.

Sunday 29 January 2017


It is like you danced with art -
your showcase sparks a desire in me to understand.
Painting with words -
leaving us with inspiring blessings that came from the depth your heart.

It seems you shone through the shadows,
those blue days.
Despite strains, pains, tears and fears,
you battled those demons and kept them at bay.

It shows you're an intimate, intricate artist, a visual storyteller;
with skills innate,
and with your sweeping, weeping acrylic on canvas,
you flirted with fate.

Stubborn explorer - a flurrying fleet;
a daring discoverer - on crashing waves.
You took risks.

Firework - one of the tribe: our nude, our sunflower, our blue bells,
in poppy fields and tulips.

The reflected rainbow of colour reminds me of you the most.

Friday 25 December 2015

It's that time of year

It's that time of year
- many of us fear it;
shuddering at the prospect of queuing hours on end in heated stores or online, trawling the pages for the perfect present or a gift that's 'best fit'.

It's that time of year!
You hear it called near and far
and see it as you crawl through the traffic of miserable but hopeful shoppers stuck in their cars.

It's that time of year.
We welcome it, invite it in,
make it one of the family, sit it down, offer it a festive bite to eat, even a tonic with homemade sloe gin.

It's that time of year again,
I have heard it said,
as we try to remember those less fortunate than ourselves but we're tucked up snug and warm in bed.

It's that time of year again:
we crack open (another) bottle
baste the turkey and turn the spuds while the Christmas tree lights twinkle, casting a light that's mottled.

It's that time of year.
I truly hold my family dear
and remind myself to be thankful for my friends - for their love and support - 'cos I fear
It has been a shitty year my dear, let's hope the next brings more cheer. My dear.
It's that time of year

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Horizon (draft 1)

If I'm gazing out to sea,
forgive, if it seems
I am measuring the horizon,
eyes narrowed, calculating,
enthralled, fearful, hands
fidgeting nervously
in anticipation
next to you, my audience,
forgive, and forget this
glimpse of my inner torment.

I'd like to think it's you
that am thinking of
but, thoughts hushed and secret,
I'm planning an escape
from you and this life.

I will keep it simple
in these final moments:
sorrowfully, it's a slow
and painful realisation.
I hope, for both our sakes,
to steal away and disappear
despite the conflicting surge
coming from the pit
of my stomach,
gripping like your hand
on my wrist, to stay, which
is what i'd like if only
I could face this life
beyond this moment.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

A rite of passage

On the stony setting of the day, this woman blesses
           her son.
He'd dash to Totnes, then trundles casually 
to, what may be known as, the back and beyond
      of Scotland

The smooth sleek winding train yawns onto the
inhaling from the platform his bags and bike to the
          lock up.
Her thin lips, held tightly into a smile, quiver as she stands like a
The tick of the track signals its departure;
it toots.
The sniffling woman with whom his eyes
meet . . .
Three pigeons, disturbed by the train, flutter and
fly past.

Wednesday 2 September 2015


What is this ever changing state
where thousands cross border to meet their fate
and, in doing so, escape
from the destruction and slaughtering
- failing leaders who stand proud before them, and us,
as corrupt as ever?

Yet, the beheadings and bombings,
the suicides and exploitation
are not the product of
one man, or one vision, or one idea, or one religion.

History repeats itself
and this time the net is cast world-wide.
Atheists, the sinners, sit side by side
with Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, Catholics,
for a cyber showcase
in shock at what unfolds before their eyes
on our screens
(and what we hope is a million miles away).

Innocents march, stumble and fall
alongside once corrupt officials,
ID-less, paperless, homeless.
Like the crusaders,
they hope for a better future
that sadly comes at a cost.

Everything costs.

Desperate parents guide their hungered children
in the shroud of night across continents.
Friends gather their energy and traverse countries
full of repent.
Sick and sorry that it has all come to this.

I sit aghast.
Horrified at what has passed
and feeling utterly powerless.
Scared but full of sympathy.
Silently grateful it's not me, or us,
... yet.