It's that time of year
- many of us fear it;
shuddering at the prospect of queuing hours on end in heated stores or online, trawling the pages for the perfect present or a gift that's 'best fit'.
It's that time of year!
You hear it called near and far
and see it as you crawl through the traffic of miserable but hopeful shoppers stuck in their cars.
It's that time of year.
We welcome it, invite it in,
make it one of the family, sit it down, offer it a festive bite to eat, even a tonic with homemade sloe gin.
It's that time of year again,
I have heard it said,
as we try to remember those less fortunate than ourselves but we're tucked up snug and warm in bed.
It's that time of year again:
we crack open (another) bottle
baste the turkey and turn the spuds while the Christmas tree lights twinkle, casting a light that's mottled.
It's that time of year.
I truly hold my family dear
and remind myself to be thankful for my friends - for their love and support - 'cos I fear
It has been a shitty year my dear, let's hope the next brings more cheer. My dear.
It's that time of year